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Kardivas is a character club for girls in the Lake Travis Independent School District for the last nine years, combining regular meetings, social events and service to our Lake Travis community. The club exists to teach and encourage young girls that they are uniquely created with a purpose, that they have integrity and worth, and that they have something valuable to contribute.

Team Leads

School Outreach

Annie Perkins likes to read and do younglife, and she aspires to open her own bakery.


Ashley Martin enjoys baking and listening to old music, has been to 12 different countries, and has an unlikely obsession with the Harry Potter series.

Community Outreach

Lauren Baty likes to read, watch Netflix, and has been skydiving. 

Business Relations

Dory Ingram

Creative Design

Sara Arnold enjoys dancing and anything that sparkles. She will be majoring in education at UT.


Vivy Ngo loves to dance and is trilingual.


Andie Edwards loves animals and volleyball and is excited to be an Aggie this fall.


Cassie Werdenberg loves to play soccer and doesn't like talking through drive thru microphones.

Project Leads

Jacqueline Emerson knows how to play the oboe and enjoys watching House Hunters, baking, and hiking.


Taylor Still loves scarves, turtles, and anything directed by John Hughes.



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